Luca R., an audiovisual filmmaker specialized in motion graphics and illustration, creates vibrant visual worlds from Chile and Germany. Today he is working on "BeDo", his first interactive adventure, currently on Kickstarter.
Luca R., an audiovisual filmmaker specialized in motion graphics and illustration, creates vibrant visual worlds from Chile and Germany. Today he is working on "BeDo", his first interactive adventure, currently on Kickstarter.
His versatile style has led him to collaborate with institutions such as the Catholic University of Chile and brands like Jack Daniels, Devir Chile and He is passionate about every project in which he can impregnate his colorful visual style.
A lover of crafts and graphic art, he keeps himself inspired through drawing and crafting, as well as playing video games and reading graphic novels. His musical inclination is towards electronica, Latin American indie rock and video game soundtracks, and one of his greatest inspirations is Iglooghost, a British music producer and designer who puts together his sound and graphic worlds.
His career in the audiovisual world began recording and editing videos of events in Santiago, and then immersed himself in motion design, branding and illustration. Today he is immersed in videogame design, creating his first title; "BeDo: Space Adventure", which is currently in a Kickstarter campaign. Kickstarter.
is usually given by several factors, sometimes it is chosen consciously and sometimes not so much. I highlight the benefit of being able to work on your own, from your computer and wherever you are. Maintaining order and a stable livelihood are the biggest challenges, but, at the same time, they push you to grow and learn new skills within your specialization or outside of it.
The best thing about freelancing is the flexible schedules so you can enjoy your loved ones and be able to make spontaneous getaways or outings without having to worry so much about vacation availability.
What I like the most is when I enter a state of hyperfocus and there is nothing else but the idea and the creative canvas. It's great the feeling of getting lost in the imagination and then finding an idea and making it concrete. I love to see the final results, for example in videos, when I can match the visual style with music that I like. I find that very satisfying.
Lately I try to use the Pomodoro method as much as possible, encouraging periods of concentrated work without any distractions (the biggest enemy of a creative process!). I also like to leave some time to create, sometimes even a day off, and then go back to look at the work with different eyes, to see what works and what can be improved.
BeDo is simple: the player is a mass in the universe, adventurous and determined, survivor of a mysterious attack. You must then gather the fragments lost by your "Mother Dough" and avoid a lethargic danger. You face an evil that you must neither touch nor let touch you. And that's it. I was inspired by the thrill of beating levels in games that have marked me, such as the immersive and musical atmosphere of Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo or the colors, sounds and interesting themes of the Kirby saga games.
Besides me, the team is composed by Felipe Jiménez, computer engineer who is in charge of programming it. Gambitono is the music composer, who has participated in several Gamejams (online video game challenges in time limits) and is passionate about 8-bit music, and consoles of yesterday and today. BeDo is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2025!
We deliver digital rewards related to the game. Starting from a copy of the game, to appearing in the credits, downloading music and content, to the opportunity to create a level or custom characters within the game. In this way, we can minimize costs and the management of producing physical material, which is another job in itself, in addition to reducing the overall carbon footprint of the project.
I see that there are more and more opportunities and instances to publicize what is being done in videogames in Chile, which makes me very happy. There are organizations like GameDevPlanet, CVG Chile, Videogames Chile and many professionals expanding the field of the industry and generating ties and community. However, and although it sounds like a typical cliché answer, I also think that there is still a lot to grow and Chilean industry and developers should be promoted more in general, because there is a lot of talent.
The genuine desire to promote creative people from Latin America. They offer a first class platform, giving space to freelancers, who sometimes are hard to find. I hope that this concept of direct and transparent collaboration between clients and freelancers continues to grow, leaving more room for the creative freedom of each collaborator.
A few years ago, from Chile, I worked with a Spanish DJ, creating animated visuals for her presentations and her networks. We used PayPal and Bizum (a popular payment app in Spain). Today, there are more secure and efficient digital options; international transfers are easier, which is a great advantage for those of us who work as freelancers. Technology allows us to collaborate from everywhere as if we were in one place.
"BeDo" is available to add on Steam wishlists and is currently in campaign.