Victor A.

Infographics & Illustration

Santiago, Chile

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Illustrator and expert in visual narratives of information, with more than 15 years of experience Victor has collaborated in national and international journalistic projects. His client portfolio includes La Tercera, El Mercurio, Fusion (Walt Disney + Univision), CNN, Chilevisión, Nike, SQM among others. She is interested in collaborating in projects related to art direction, marketing, media (TV) and publishing.

Infographics - Military Coup Chile‍.

SIP Award in the Infographics Category.

Infographics - MSIG Insurance

Key objectives MSIG Insurance wanted its "Preserving Life on Earth" media campaign to focus on an issue close to home that affects all of its clients in Southeast Asia: biodiversity.

Infographics - CNN Thailand

Thailand takes the 2019 ASEAN chair under the theme "Advancing Partnership for Sustainability". The theme is in line with its Thailand 4.0 model - the economic, digital, and innovation transformation plan of the country. CNN Thailand.

Infographics - The Reinvention of Saltpeter‍

The text and graphics cover the fundamental passages of an industry that was able to attract notable innovators to Chile. The document also shows the exhaustion of the saltpeter cycle. The book captures this epic of how an industry that seemed aimless and destined to die was reconverted into what Soqui is today.

Editorial Illustration - Capital‍ Magazine

Direct color illustration.

    Bachelor's Degree in Arts and Science of Visual Communication.
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    Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design.